If you attended our Convention, thank you for attending! The following photos might help rekindle some memories of your week in Sacramento. If you didn’t attend, here is a very small sampling of what you missed:
The Convention started with an Advance Section in the San Francisco Bay Area on the Friday prior to the start of the Convention. On Saturday, many attendees boarded the USS Potomac for a bay dinner cruise. This is the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset from the ship.
After layout tours on Friday and Saturday, the Advance Section continued on Sunday with more layout tours. This is the SP Mission Bay roundhouse on John Petrovitz’ N scale SP/NWP layout.
Clinics during the Convention began on Sunday and ran all week from morning to evening.
There were several “Modeling with the Masters” clinics at X2011, during which attendees built a model to take home with personal help from Master Model Railroaders. Here Clark Kooning, MMR, (standing) answers an attendee’s question during the “Builiding a DPM Structure” clinic. That’s John Lowrance, MMR, sitting behind Clark with his leg crossed, helping another attendee.
Here is a view of the Layout Design Special Interest Group/Operations Special Interest Group (LDSIG/OPSIG) meeting room. Visitors to the SIG Room could get help with layout design issues and sign-up for operating sessions at several local layouts, as well as layouts in the Bay Area, some even at the National Train Show. SIG membership was not needed for SIG activities at X2011.
This superb Free-mo N scale module from Silicon Valley Free-moN of San Jose, CA, was set up in the SIG Room before being moved to the National Train Show.
Photo by John Sing